Hello there,

I’m Daniel. You might be curious about the reason behind the creation of this website.

Life has its unique rhythm with numerous events happening every moment. It was quite easy for me to overlook how these individual pieces came together to create the reality I experienced. So, through capturing photos and recording videos, I’ve been able to slow down and appreciate life’s depth – observing it as an intersection of complexity and simplicity, beauty and chaos, facts and wisdom. It’s both awe-inspiring and a bit wild to realize how many different elements intertwine together to create one singular moment.

I created this website for my future self too. I don’t have the best memory, and I tend to forget things quite quickly. So, this website is a reminder to my future self that my past wasn’t all that bad, and that I had my fair share of days brimming with creativity and good health.

Keep in mind, what you see on this website is mostly how my lenses interpret the world. They don’t always align with my views, and vice versa. So, what you see might not necessarily reflect what I believe, but releasing the need for control feels incredibly liberating (and somewhat therapeutic).

If you’d like to work together, hang out, or simply vibe, check out the footer menus and feel free to reach out. I’m currently residing in Waukegan, IL.

Daniel Cho